He has a Russian blue cat named “Lady”. He identifies himself as an animal lover and says that he has a humanistic personality. Always attaches great importance to personal development and logical thinking. Graduated from the International Logistics & working to represent the maritime industry in the best way possible.
Get to know Batuhan even better!

For him, the favorite aspects of his job; seeing ships, that is, huge machines, floating on the sea and thinking that every ship has a commercial side. In short, every incoming ship never leaves without leaving money.
If we think of the maritime industry as a pyramid; day by day, it is getting harder from different points to the innermost points. Because the rules and regulations are increasing, if we were to ask about the most significant difficulty, ’After giving all kinds of services, at the end of the day you’re left with dealing with a lot of people.’ he replies. In his words, ‘Because in today’s world, unfortunately, human dialogues and thoughts are not like before.’
Quote and quote by his words, if we count the maritime industry in general and all kinds of business lines it contains; It is a business sector where you will definitely not hesitate to learn and keep yourself up-to-date in every job you complete, every project and every engineering completed. According to his experiences, he adds, ‘It is a profession that people who are open to innovation, hungry for learning and have a passion for the sea should definitely be in. Due to the nature of our work, it is tiring, risky and stressful, but we see that every job has its own risk and exhaustion.’
He would like to share something special with you; His grandfather had established his own family business in 1978 and a shipping agency that owns a 75 percent pie share in Izmit’s business quota. The agency’s name was Expoship. His grandfather had designed the Expoship logo himself as a sketch in his own scrapbooks, and when you looked at it in its entirety, you could clearly see a ship from bow to stern. His grandfather showed Batuhan the notebook of this wonderful drawing right after Batuhan started the shipping agency and completed his first year, and he had just advised Batuhan, “be careful not to make mistakes, be very careful and become a great agent someday”. Batuhan’s grandfather, Nurettin Arslan (RIP) was an idol to him and played a big part in his character’s development.
There are exactly two reasons for him to choose Zeymarine. The first of these is when he was working in Izmit, he was working with our current boss, Gürkan Kösemen in his former company. The same story applies to our current manager, Sertan Pehlevan. He has known both of them for many years and he remembers hearing their characters in the business network and their meticulous success stories from others. At the end of the day, when he wanted to be included, shortly after they met at the same company, they chose him and included him in the family.
He summarizes his workplace as a beautiful family. ‘We understand each other and, together with our teammates, we are advancing our work and services in the form of how to push the edge of the envelope for better results.’ he explains by underlining the significance of teamwork.
When mentioning the other reason why he chose our agency, he emphasizes the importance of progress and improvement by referring to the thought of developing himself more and moving his career to the peak. He believes that our agency is the right place to attain these objectives.